Update: The event is now over! See you next year for the
2025 New Year - New Language Summit
Missed the event? You can still get on-demand access here: NYNL Tickets
An Actual Fluency Event

Online, January 10-14, 2024
30+ Language Learning Experts Share Their top Strategies for Breezing Through the Intermediate Levels.
So you can Reach the Advanced Levels, pass the Hardest Exams, and even fool Native Speakers into Thinking You're one of them!
Welcome (back) to the 3rd Annual New Year - New Language Summit!
From Kris Broholm, NYNL Founder

I'm so excited to be welcoming everyone back to the New Year - New Language Summit.
Harnessing the unmatched energy and excitement of the New Year's period to put towards one of the most satisfying activities anyone can do: Learning a foreign language.
This year we've reached the upper intermediate and advanced levels, and I'm especially excited about this.
You see, most language learning discussion and content is around the beginner level.
I get it - most people are beginners, so it makes sense.
But, what do you do when you've managed to reach that intermediate level where you can confidently communicate, but fully living your life in the target language seems like an outlandish fantasy?
That's why I decided to make the NYNL Trilogy follow the levels.
2022: Beginner Level
2023: Intermediate Level
2024 (this one): Advanced Level
Once we finish this year's NYNL, not only will we have covered the advanced topics comprehensively (which again, is very rare) but we'll also have a complete "library" of instructional, how-to-learn-a-language video presentations and interviews spanning the entire learning process.
Combine that how-to knowledge with the unstoppable motivation and inspiration you gain from participating in the sessions and in the community, and you'll have a winning strategy for learning any foreign language you want, to as high a level as you want.
So, what are you waiting for?
Grab your free ticket to New Year - New Language 2024 and get involved in the community today.
Here's who you'll hear from this year!
We've got speakers of all ages, from all over the world at the New Year - New Language Summit.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does NYNL cost?
We offer a free ticket to anyone, which will let you watch any of the 30+ sessions within 24 hours of their release. To get lifetime access, including downloadable formats and bonuses you can upgrade to one of our premium tickets, starting at $49 USD.
Where is NYNL held?
The New Year - New Language Summit is a 100% online conference, meaning that anyone can participate. The sessions are streamed via video, and there will be replays available for those who cannot make it at the time of each session.
What is the ALL ACCESS PASS Ticket?
The ALL ACCESS PASS is, as the name implies, a ticket that gives you lifetime access and bonuses for one event. This means you don't have to stress about watching all 30+ sessions within the launch week of NYNL, plus you get to keep the recordings and transcripts for life. The price of this upgrade is $49 USD, one-time.
What is the ALL ACCESS TRILOGY Ticket?
The "TRILOGY" ticket gives you the ALL ACCESS benefits for all 3 New Year - New Language Summits that have been released so far at a discount. If you missed the previous events this is a great option to get caught up. Once this Summit is over, there will be over 75 instructional, inspirational, and practical how-to sessions in the library. The TRILOGY ticket costs $99 USD, one-time.